Welcome!!! VIP Brand Photo Shoot Info
We’re so excited you’ve made the decision to work with us!
We realize that you have a wide assortment of photographers to choose from, and we’re so honored you’ve chosen to trust us. You’re in great hands! Below you will find the next steps in working together so you can enjoy the full support of our partnership with you.
Here We Go! Before Our Shoot Prep:
We have or will be sending over our client agreement separately. It is imperative for you to read, initial and sign asap now that you are a client. It is an electronic agreement and should be signed electronically BEFORE our work begins.
If you have any questions at all, please feel to ask!
It is vital that our agreement is in place for your security as well as ours 🙂 -
We’ve attached your invoice for our shoot. The invoice will show your deposit paid and your remaining balance that will be due at your shoot {unless full payment has been made or we have set you up on a payment plan}.
*Please note that deposits are non-refundable and if changes need to happen, deposits will go toward a credit with our company and we will provide you with a service and product that will match your new needs* -
In the next section you'll find a link to our Creative Intake, please review the information carefully especially the notes on saving your form if you need to go back and edit any of your responses. It's important that we receive your completed intake prior to your scheduled session.
This was designed to help you prep you for our work together. Make sure to review that one throughly especially the Photo Prep Checklist!
We will meet on Zoom for your Creative Intake session. The link is provided in the next section, please add that to your calendar.
Here We Go! Before Our Shoot Prep:
Here is the link to our Client Intake Form via Google Forms
===> https://goo.gl/forms/q0II0Op7EDyTxNMV2
Please fill this out completely before our Creative Intake session and make sure Nikki has it completed 24 hours before that Zoom call.
If you can't complete the form on your first attempt -OR- you need to edit your form after initial submission it's extremely important that you click on the edit link after you submit your form and either:
1.) Copy and save the link or
2.) Click to open the link in a new web browser window and bookmark it for easy retrieval
On the day of your Creative Intake Session we will meet via Zoom -https://zoom.us/j/4069363598
Please mark this in your calendar so that we have enough prep time for your intake.

As A Gift 🙂 Look Good In Every Photo!
As a gift, here is a link to a photo shoot prep guide book that will prep you for our work together.
Top Essential Secrets From Behind the Camera To Look Amazing & Buy Worthy In Front of The Camera Photo Prep Guide.
This easy guide is filled with essential tips and visual examples designed to ensure you show up camera ready including mind set hacks, style and makeup basics including the 5 Makeup Must Haves every woman should have in her makeup bag.
But the page my clients rave about the most is my Photo Prep Checklist!
Make sure to review that one throughly!
Finally if you do presentations at live events you'll love my top three tips for getting ready to be on stage bonus.
To get everything just click the link to download the guide and review it before your shoot and I look forward to working with you 🙂
**On the day of your shoot please be prepared to start immediately when you arrive**
This will all be covered in your Creative Intake 🙂
If you’re not taking advantage of the Creative Intake process, here are some tips to assist you:
If you feel good....you look good!
Consider the focus of our shoot and prepare clothes that will create that “LOOK” and essence for you. Think of different “level’s” of looks if we’re capturing more than one for you. {ie...what is your favorite outfit/look in these areas of the way you dress based on your day ahead:
1. Most Casual {running errands?}
2. Everyday/Client Work
3. Most Dressy {night out to dinner?} Bring what you feel most amazing in and focus on possibly upleveling that look to add a touch more sophistication to your “Image” in your photos. {Also for professional images, do not wear a suit if you don’t normally wear one. Be yourself and wear what YOU feel good in and what your clients will recognize you in}
I work with a select group of local artists with A LOT of my clients. I highly recommend taking advantage of their services {if you’re not already enrolled in working with them } to really get the most out of our shoot. They’re great and we work seamlessly together. If you’re interested in using their services let us know asap 🙂
If you do your own makeup ladies just put more on than you’d wear everyday to pop your features on film. Don’t worry, it won’t look too heavy in your images.
**Don’t forget about your nails looking the way you’d like on your hands & feet. Sometimes they will be in the image so be prepared for that possibility.
**Please text/call me if you’re running late or need anything at 646-872-0020.
We’re grateful to have you on board!!
Looking forward to getting started!
With love,

Shanda Sumpter, heartcorebusiness.com
"I saw just over 100K in new clients come the first month I used my new photos."
Nick Unsworth, lifeonfire.com
"I know the difference between photos and having an IMAGE and that my image is an important as my graphics."